The picture in this post has been me for the last week! Running and stressed out to say the least! I’ve had to learn how to take different trains to work (which I don’t like) and just when I got comfortable, they shut down my route! On the fly, I had to learn a new way.
For the past few days, I’ve had to run to catch a train or a subway, and missed both, which caused a delay in my travel. But neither time did I arrive to work late. Of course, I had to pick up the pace while en route to the time clock but I made it…JUST IN TIME!
Many of us are going through things and it makes us feel like we aren’t being blessed or we watch others get the blessings we often pray for. Could it be that what we are seeking is being delayed for a purpose? Maybe, in all actuality, you can’t handle the blessing right now. Maybe, that one thing you desperately want will hurt or harm you in the long run. Sometimes, what we want has to be delayed to prepare us for it. But it won’t be late. It will be right on time!